Friday, February 20, 2009

:: Brooks, Alberta Photographer ::


Oh dear. I am going to get into some trouble for this one.
Really I don't have much to post today but my dear Mom, who thankfully checks out my blog, was harping on me to post again today because I promised too. Geordie doesn't check my blog too often because he see's everything beforehand so he probably won't even know that he's on here :)

I wanted to get a picture outside last weekend when the fog has created this awesome frost on the trees but Geordie couldn't stand still because there was a dog approaching and he didn't want to be A) attacked or B) get the 'ole groin sniff. He was a little distracted. For the record, the dog did not attack. He thinks it looks like a SEARS advertisement, I don't disagree.

Have a great weekend and todays the last day to comment to win the $20 itunes gift certificate. I'll announce on Monday.


  1. Hey Rachel - just for the record, I am not commenting to win the itunes gift certifcate. I too, am a faithful checker of your blog. I love looking at your pictures and enjoy reading your views as someone who has not lived in Brooks for most of her life. I especially enjoyed your comments above - made me laugh. Keep up the good work! Have a great week-end.

    Julie (Bell) McDonald

  2. Rach!

    Hello from the beautiful and rainy westcost. I miss you guys!! And wanted to say I am totally addicted to your sight. (I check in at least thee times a week...) Your images are stunning, capturing warmth, kindness, and beauty. I feel your allowed, for a moment, to join the intimacy of these people lives, building a sense of community (weather I know them or not....) Rach, they are excellent and I have been meaning to tell you that for a long time...I would totally love to do a "in studio sess, ie action painting shots" when ever you swing out this way....and in the mean time I am still planning a visit to Brooks! Ok I really should just give you a call....and stop filling up your comment box...
    Niente Senza Gioia
