Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nelson :: Alberta Children's Photographer ::


Oh my goodness. Nelson just melted my heart.

Geordie and I were in Canmore last weekend, as previously mentioned, and my parents had Melanie and Nelson staying with them while Dad worked out of town. Nelson just turned 2 and we got to blow out a candle together and play TRUCKS for 3 days! Nelson was so much fun, not only was he probably one of the happiest kids I have ever met he LOVED trucks, cars, buses, fire-trucks, diggers...

I absolutely HAD to photograph him while I was home because he has the bluest eyes and the sweetest smile. So does Mel.

I would probably have to say that my favorite thing in the world is people. I love to love people and I love meeting new people and Melanie and Nelson were a blast to spend the weekend around. This is the greatest part of my job. People. :)

Here are some photos I took while we played in the backyard.

Did I mention trucks, cars, buses? :)


Oh those smiles!


Have a glorious Wednesday everyone. See you again tomorrow!


  1. Love that last one...absolutely everything about it :)

  2. Hi Rach,
    You captured his amazing personality in each shot. Such a sweetheart! Way to go.

  3. Love these photos Rachel...! He really is CUTE! Love that candidness of them all!
