Friday, April 24, 2009

Untitled :: Brooks Alberta Photographer ::


This is what I am getting myself into.


And am I not a lucky girl :)

Geordie can make me laugh harder than anyone on the whole planet.
(My friend Pat Mckinnon is a close second)
Every year Geordie grows a beard. Oh how I love the beard. It's kinda cute. That might seem weird to some of you but bear in mind I grew up in the mountains. Beards are oddly comforting.

With Geordie though, I always know the beard is going to turn into a mustache and every-time I brace myself for that surprise shave when he walks confidently up to me like a proud man to showcase the latest facial addition. It's not a pretty sight, he looks like a scary super trooper cop or something. This mustache will last for a few weeks and despite all of my 'ew' comments, it makes me laugh. Geordie plays up the mustache role so well, and I just laugh and laugh. Despite the loss of the beard I always know that I'll be on the floor laughing for a week and maybe in a very hidden way I look forward to that.

THEN! This mustache occasion I knew a special gift would be arriving for Geordie from my great friend and mentor, Alison Rossiter. As I was waiting for the gift to arrive, I couldn't help but feel this excitement for the mustache and gift combo. Alison sent Geordie this incredible Cowichan knit sweater. Sure the oil rigs and wrenches are funny, but it's also a piece of art. Geordie is treasuring this gift and in recognition of this years mustache and the beautiful sweater we put some images together.

That was a very very long story. The bottom line is that I am a lucky girl, I have great friends and a great guy and we're off to Holland together next week with the mustache so I can introduce Geordie to my Dutch relatives.... like I said... lucky girl.

Weird, I know. Just go along with it :)



  1. Geordie You crack me up! These are great thanks Rachel!

  2. More more more....!!! :)

    PS I thought Geord had a ban on images posted of himself by others...?!? How'd you get around that one?

  3. this picture is so tempting to tip the boat??? love all the pics Rachel, you are amazing. ANNELIES

  4. comfort. best post ever. Love the images. Love the story. Love you guys :) and that sweater(the moustache I'm not so sure about!).That's what happens when an artist captures their own comfort. have fun on your trip!
